Friday, 14 January 2011

Oh Crons!

Well after sitting back and thinking about conflict scotland in april. I was still stuck on what to take either daemons or angels. But started flicking through old wdwarfs and had a thought of the 2 unopened boxes of crons battleforces .Sothen it egan the list of 2-500 point lists to join together.
So here they are:
lord: veil  and res orb
5 immortals
16 warriors
10 warriors
10 warriors
Hoping this small horde will just guass the enemy to death.

Lexo out.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

The First of Many

Hey guys this is the first of many posts on my blog, I havn't been upto much this week but tomorrow off to local club for some conflict scotland practice. Still finding it hard to choose what to go with between angels or daemons. Will get up some pics, written battle reports and tactica.